Danny Walker ("Deej") has been a writer most of his life -- he remembers a story he wrote in elementary school about an other-worldly zoo -- but Quantum Marmalade is his first major project.
Deej studied Political Science and Economics in college and worked in academia before moving to the much more "exciting" world of insurance analytics.
In addition to Quantum Marmalade, Deej likes to write more sci-fi and/ or speculative fiction. You can check some stories on the "Other Stuff" page.
Deej had leftover bread sticks for breakfast.
Portfolio (Behance): behance.net/thsorig
Portfolio (Artstation): artstation.com/thsorig
Instagram: instagram.com/thsorig
Marc ("Thsorig") is a character designer and all-around kick-ass artist. He has worked on several projects and commissions, including a story in post-apocalyptic Barcelona.
Marc lives in Barcelona and we're all very jealous of this fact.
Portfolio: https://fedeac.wixsite.com/portfolio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dibujandoalmargen/
Federico letters both Quantum Marmalade & Nuclear Strudel and is the main artist for Nuclear Strudel. He's also an excellent character and concept designer fascinated with fictional universes, as well as the history of his home country, Argentina.
Portfolio: https://www.epythiart.com/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/epythia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/epythia/
Cristina is the color artist for Quantum Marmalade (i.e. all the explosions). She's also a character artist with wide-ranging influences, including both Japanese and Korean cultures.

Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/demd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demd.graphics/
Daniel is new to the Quantum Marmalade team! He’s the color artist for Nuclear Strudel, and if there’s one thing he knows for sure, it’s that every technique is a new level to unlock, and every panel is a playground for experimentation (with the occasional color obsession thrown in for good measure).
When he’s not filling pages with action and color explosions, you’ll probably catch him passionately explaining — for the millionth time — why Batman is the greatest superhero of all time. American comics or Japanese manga? Marvel or DC? Shonen or seinen? Why choose when you can love it all?
Welcome, Daniel — master of color and the dark knight of the digital palette.